Comcast Documentation Is Poor

Or, everything the expert needs to know to quickly and easily transition to comcast.


Incoming Username only; don't use "@...".

POP3 and POP3/SSL are supported; but no IMAP.

You may need to do basic activation of the account (over the web) as described in the documentation they provide you.

They promise to forward mail from your adelphia account for about a year (until Dec 2007).

Condensed from this and several other pages.

Outgoing (port 25, or 587 with auth) Originally there was no need for any authentication when sending from inside comcast.

But more recently they thought they were detecting spam coming from my machine (perhaps they were just confusing it with my sending just a few emails from another account through their servers: again poor details in their documentation/communications), and they disabled direct SMTP. Instead I had to set it up to use port 587, and to authenticate using username/password (but no "@...").

Personal Web pages Ftp to, using email credentials. You can also use ftp/ssl (ftp over SSL), but NOT sftp (part of ssh suite). You may need to enable it using their web interface.

Condensed from this and other pages. [UPDATE 2011: NO LONGER AVAILABLE as of 2009ish] Authenticate using and your email password. More info. There is also some apparently obsolete information that involves needing to sign up for a separate account with giganews, but it doesn't seem to be necessary.
NTPTBD Comcast does not seem to provide any ntp* DNS entries. There are rumors that their gateways provide NTP, but I hesitate to trust them if comcast can't even bother to give them official "NTP" CNAMEs. (use traceroute to find them). It is probably best just to use something like public "" instead.

Source of rumor.

But it is probably best to use whatever DHCP gives you.